Team > M.Sc. Martin Rieß

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Chair of Inorganic Chemistry I
Short CV
Since 07/2016 | PhD student Topic: Rational design of porous hybrid materials |
2013/2016 | Master of Science in Materials Chemistry and Catalysis, University of Bayreuth Title: Hierarchical Structuring of microporous organically pillared layered silicates by use of Freeze-Casting |
2010/2013 | Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, University of Bayreuth Title: Gas adsorption studies on microporous pillared inter-layered clays |

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Chair of Inorganic Chemistry I
Research Projects
- 2nd Generation Layered Silicates – Swelling and Delamination
- 2nd Generation Layered Silicates – Intercalation, Double Stacks and Janus-like Platelets
- MOPS (Microporous Organically Pillared Silicates)

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Chair of Inorganic Chemistry I
Hunvik, Kristoffer W. Bø; Loch, Patrick; Wallacher, Dirk; Kirch, Alexsandro; Cavalcanti, Leide P.; Rieß, Martin; Daab, Matthias; Josvanger, Vegard; Grätz, Sven; Yokaichiya, Fabiano; Knudsen, Kenneth Dahl; Miranda, Caetano Rodrigues; Breu, Josef; Fossum, Jon Otto
CO₂ Adsorption Enhanced by Tuning the Layer Charge in a Clay Mineral
in Langmuir volume 37 (2021) issue 49. - page 14491-14499
doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.1c02467 ...
Rieß, Martin
Mikroporöse organisch gepillarte Schichtsilikate für die selektive Gasseparation
Bayreuth, 2021. - X, 119 page
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005833 ...
(dissertation, 2021,
Rieß, Martin; Siegel, Renée; Senker, Jürgen; Breu, Josef
Diammonium-Pillared MOPS with Dynamic CO₂ Selectivity
in Cell Reports Physical Science volume 1 (2020) issue 10
doi:10.1016/j.xcrp.2020.100210 ...
Rieß, Martin; Senker, Jürgen; Schobert, Rainer; Breu, Josef
Microporous Organically Pillared Layered Silicates (MOPS) : A Versatile Class of Functional Por ...
in Chemistry : a European Journal volume 25 (2019) issue 9. - page 2103-2111
doi:10.1002/chem.201803849 ...
Herling, Markus M.; Rieß, Martin; Sato, Hiroshi; Li, Liangchun; Martin, Thomas; Kalo, Hussein; Matsuda, Ryotaro; Kitagawa, Susumu; Breu, Josef
Purely Physisorption-based CO-Selective Gate-Opening in Microporous Organically Pillared Layere ...
in Angewandte Chemie International Edition volume 57 (2018) issue 2. - page 564-568
doi:10.1002/ange.201710717 ...
Bärwinkel, Kilian; Herling, Markus M.; Rieß, Martin; Sato, Hiroshi; Li, Liangchun; Avadhut, Yamini S.; Kemnitzer, Tobias W.; Kalo, Hussein; Senker, Jürgen; Matsuda, Ryotaro; Kitagawa, Susumu; Breu, Josef
Constant Volume Gate-Opening by Freezing Rotational Dynamics in Microporous Organically Pillare ...
in Journal of the American Chemical Society volume 139 (2017) issue 2. - page 904-909
doi:10.1021/jacs.6b11124 ...
Herling, Markus M.; Lacher, Ulrike; Rieß, Martin; Seibt, Sebastian; Schwedes, Mathias; Kalo, Hussein; Schobert, Rainer; Breu, Josef
Sub-micron pore size tailoring for efficient chiral discrimination
in Chemical Communications volume 53 (2017) issue 6. - page 1072-1075
doi:10.1039/C6CC09484H ...
Doblhofer, Elena; Schmid, Jasmin; Rieß, Martin; Daab, Matthias; Suntinger, Magdalena; Habel, Christoph; Bargel, Hendrik; Hugenschmidt, Christoph; Rosenfeldt, Sabine; Breu, Josef; Scheibel, Thomas
Structural Insights into Water-Based Spider Silk Protein−Nanoclay
Composites with Excellent Gas ...
in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces volume 8 (2016) issue 38. - page 25535-25543
doi:10.1021/acsami.6b08287 ...

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Chair of Inorganic Chemistry I
M.Sc. Martin Rieß
PhD student
University of Bayreuth
Universitätsstr. 30
95447 Bayreuth
Room: 3.1 00 02 (NW I Bauteil 3.1)